KINTSUGI - Seletti
KINTSUGI coffee cups, bowls and mugs, plates, glasses, cutlery and tray - Marcantonio design
KINTSUGI coffee cups, bowls and mugs, plates, glasses, cutlery and tray - Marcantonio design
KINTSUGI coffee cups, bowls and mugs, plates, glasses, cutlery and tray - Marcantonio design
KINTSUGI coffee cups, bowls and mugs, plates, glasses, cutlery and tray - Marcantonio design


per Seletti


Info e prezzi: CLICCA QUI!


Come la vita lascia cicatrici che rendono unico il nostro corpo, così l'antica tecnica Kintsugi ci insegna ad impreziosire con l'oro le crepe dei nostri piatti e tazze preferiti, donando loro nuova vita nella nostra casa..




for Seletti


Info and prices: CLICK HERE!


Just as life leaves scars that make our body unique, so the ancient Kintsugi technique teaches us to embellish the cracks of our favorite plates and cups with gold, giving them new life in your house..


Marcantonio Art & Design